What is MA61C?
The Multipurpose Adapter Generic Interface Connector (MA61C) is an intelligent plug-and-play Command and Data Handling (C&DH) system engineered to effortlessly integrate multiple subsystems with a satelllite onboard software. It is an interface to satellite subsystems, such as AOCS sensors and actuators, communication, power, and payload subsystems, etc.​
What does MA61C do?
This innovative solution eliminates the need for manual configuration or driver installation, ensuring a seamless connection. It adapts the communication interface and protocol standards of different suppliers to the onboard computer's standard.​ MA61C allows connecting multiple subsystems to the onboard computer.
How MA61C works?
The MA61C holds a database of drivers, enabling plug and play functionalities, such as device recognition, self-configuration and driver installation. It scans connections, detects incoming data, routes and converts data between interfaces, and more. It monitors data on the bus and sends it to connected units via a USB interface.​
What is inside MA61C?
The core of MA61C is the GR712RC LEON3-FT SPARC V8 processor which supports multiple interfaces that can be used as both inputs and outputs. The processor has a built-in timer based on an onboard oscillator. The MA61C is equipped with an internal memory of 64Mbit of SRAM and 64Mbit of FLASH for storage of onboard software, drivers, and data.
How can MA61C be programmed?
MA61C is bundled with an Application Programming Interface (API) to command and monitor the units connected directly to the spacecraft onboard computer or connected to a PC the USB interface. The package includes a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Windows to monitor and command connected sub-systems more easily.
What is included in the MA61C package?
Included in the package are the MA61C adapter, a USB flash stick with windows API and GUI and manuals.

GR712RC dual-core
32-bit LEON3 processor
Onboard software
Plug and play